Feed Us 4 Xmas.
Feed Us4 Xmas Expansion Just in time for the holiday season adds a cheerful twist to the gruesome journey of our beloved piran. Our aquatic hero navigates the frigid waters of the North Pole In this game with plenty of snow ice and unsuspecting holiday revelers. From the festive elves to the reindeer of Santa everyone is at risk of becoming a feast for the insatiable piranha.
The exclusive expansion blends fierce underwater combat that gamers cherish with a hint of holiday cheer. Aftressed trees glittering lights and joyful music create a striking juxtaposition to the gruesome chaos lurking beneath the waves. Additional seasonal enhancements are included: Imagine if you had Santa hats or candy cane weaponry. It’s an outrageous exhilarating experience that promises to have the players alternating between laughter and shock.